Meaning of emblem
Sailed through the wind and waves, the SA Games finally comes to Hong Kong in 2021.
The SA Games was first launched in Southeast Asia by the Stedfast Association more than a decade ago. The goal is simple and clear. With the love and passion from the participants from the Games in the past towards the Boy’s Brigade, the Games has elevated to a new level. The SA Games held biannually enables Stedfast Associations from various countries to show their care for each other.
The emblem design integrates the junk, symbol of Hong Kong from the old days, and the badge of the Stedfast Association.
Junks from all lakes and seas sailing through wind and waves symbolize the SA Games surging forward, undeterred by the wind and waves. The Stedfast Association undertakes to carry on the SA Games one after another, like waves after waves, inheriting the past and breaking new grounds for the future, promoting it in an all-out effort.
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